Notice descriptive 604

Intitulé : Brouillons d'articles d'Astronomie parus dans le "Gentlemen's Magazine"
Date(s) : 1737-1739
Importance matérielle et support : 1 carton
Présentation du contenu :

- Sun's parallax deduced from St J. Newton's princ. (G.M. July 1737).
- Some fundamental Inconsistencies demonstrated in the commonly received planetary system (G.M. Sept. 1737).
- Some theorems from which the parallax on the sun may be deduced.
- Method for Determining the Sun's parallax (octobre 1737).
- Of a certain astronomical equation either unknown or neglicted (novembre 1737).
- Discourse conc. the sun's parallax (janvier 1738).
- Of the Quantity of the Refraction on Light in the Moon's atmosphere (March 1738).
- Of the quantity of errors arising from the neglect of the refraction in the moon's atmosphere (April 1738).
- Discourse of a retrograde system of the world (April 1738).
- The Moon's Dichotomy observed the 5th of May, 1738.
- Answer to the Objection agains his system of the World (3 July 1738).
- Disc. about the parallax of Mars (G.M. Sept. octobre 1738).
- Absurditas theoriae lunaris ab ipso Newtono propositae.
- Determination of the common center of the gravity of the earth, and of Moon.
- Excellent Sea-Watches or clocks are insufficent to find the Longitude (octobre 1739).
- Artis Nauticae Subsidia Mathca, Astronca, Mechanica et Magnetica.
- Paradoxum Astronomicum.
- Notes diverses.

Collectivité(s) : Gentlemen's Magazine (Presse)
Fonds / Collection : Papiers de Nicolas Fatio de Duillier
